
107 - Niall Merrigan

The Psychology Of Social Engineering

Niall Merrigan

Niall Merrigan


Mennesker, organisasjon og teknologi


Kinoen sal 1


Onsdag, 11:30-12:00


Niall Merrigan, Head of Cybersecurity Norway, Capgemini

Om Foredraget

Social Engineering is for most people a prince in a different part of the world offering them 50 billion dollars for an upfront fee of 5K. What can go wrong. But hacking the human is more than that. Niall will show you some serious mind hacks, scams and various forms of social engineering in this engaging talk. Expect to learn some underhanded techniques to get your way at work.

Om foredragsholderen

Niall is an Irish guy living in Norway. He works in Capgemini in Stavanger and is the Head of Cybersecurity Norway. He is also a Microsoft MVP since 2010. He has a passion for security, web technologies, cooking and whiskey.