
126 - Ryan Mattinson

Security is the new green

Ryan Mattinson

Ryan Mattinson




Kinoen sal 2


Onsdag, 14:30-15:00


Ryan Mattinson, Security Practice Lead, Nagarro

Om foredraget

In this talk we will consider (in)security as an economic externality. We will compare and contrast the rise of pollution during the industrial age with the rise of digital insecurity during the information age. We will follow this comparison through major historic turning points in both public perception and policy; recent data breaches and academic research across disciplines in order to question how we think about security in a connected world. Why is digital insecurity the new pollution? What incentives do organizations and individuals have today to care about digital security? What is the real social cost of insecurity? As we seek to answer these questions, we begin to see that digital security is not only a means to manage immediate risk to ourselves and our organisations, but a necessity to sustain the digital environment our global society now depends on.

Om foredragsholderen

Ryan has more than 10 years of experience in information security consulting in Canada, Norway and the U.S. in roles ranging from penetration tester to CISO. He currently leads the global information security consulting practice at Nagarro - a growing team of talented consultants, researchers and ethical hackers based in Oslo. He promotes the positive social and business value of security and supports business leaders with pragmatic strategies for managing cyber risk.

Ryan is involved in the information security community through research, knowledge-sharing and mentorship. He has written and spoken about security and privacy for the media, industry publications, podcasts, and conferences. He co-hosts the monthly OsloSec meetup and is founder and chair of the Digital Resilience Group, organisers of the BSides Oslo conference.