Scandic Victoria kongressal 3
Tirsdag, 11:30-13:00 / 14:30-16:30
Laszlo Erdödi, UiO - Marit Tokle, Sopra Steria - Joakim Ihle Frogner, CTO at Inligo - Mathias Frits Rørvik, Consultant at BEKK - Greger Martinussen, student at UiO - Daniel Heinesen, student at UiO
Om Workshop
CTF (Capture The Flag) competitions are the most popular arena around the world for practicing hacking and solving hacking challenges. The UiO-CTF team intends to arrange a jeopardy style CTF in the frame of the “Sikkerhetsfestivalen”.
Our CTF consist of five challenges of different levels (but all within the beginner level) connected to each of the following categories:
web hacking
binary exploitation (pwn)
reverse engineering
NB: There will also be a workshop on hacking that will support this competition. By participating on that the beginners will learn to start how to solve the challenges.
This will be held before the CTF, from 09:00 to 10:30.
Om foredragsholderen
Marit and Laszlo are leading the UiO ethical hacking team. Both have a solid background in arranging CTF events. Marit Tokle is also the leader of TG Hack (Norway’s largest CTF). In addition, other team members contribute to creating new challenges and to the organization of regular CTF events at UiO.
Joakim Ihle Frogner (CTO at Inligo), Mathias Frits Rørvik (Consultant at BEKK), Greger Martinussen (student at UiO), Daniel Heinesen (student at UiO).