
49 - Niall Merrigan

Shodan Safari



Incident response


Kinoen sal 1


Tirsdag, 12:30-13:00


Niall Merrigan, Head of Cybersecurity Norway, Capgemini

Om Foredraget

Shodan is a search engine for services and open ports rather than your traditional search engine. It indexes all the different services a system is running and allows you to find some really interesting things about devices connected to the internet. In this talk, I will show you the craziest and possibly terrifying things I have found connected to the internet at one time or another.

Om foredragsholderen

Niall is an Irish guy living in Norway. He works in Capgemini in Stavanger and is the Head of Cybersecurity Norway. He is also a Microsoft MVP since 2010. He has a passion for security, web technologies, cooking and whiskey.