Skytjenester / anskaffelser
Scandic Victoria kongressal 3
Onsdag, 14:30-16:00
Karim El-Melhaoui, Security Architect
Om Workshopet
As workloads are moving to the cloud, your CI/CD pipeline is becoming one of your most critical assets, holding the keys to your castle. An important but often forgotten part about moving to the cloud is how to maintain your security controls while still allowing DevOps to naturally transform throughout the organization. This workshop will start by covering the fundamentals of a CI/CD pipeline while rapidly moving into more hands-on oriented labs where you will learn how to deploy and secure your own CI/CD Pipeline.
What risks are associated with your CI/CD pipeline and its power
How to implement automatic controls (vulnerability scanning and automated tests) to ensure the security of resources produced by your pipeline
Practical examples on how to implement controls to secure the pipeline itself from common attack vectors.
After attending this workshop you will have a broader understanding of a deployment pipeline and important concepts in order to secure it.
Om foredragsholderen
Karim jobber som Security Architect i Norges Bank Investment Management, hvor han for øyeblikket er en del av organisasjonens "CloudCentre of Excellence" team som er ansvarlig for utvikling av skyplatform og drive adopsjon. Foruten den pågående skyreisen er han del av organisasjonens "Blue Team", ansvarlig for å øke sikkerheten og designe en arkitektur som er i robust nok til å beskytte mot sofistikerte angrep.