Scandic Victoria kongressal 1
Tirsdag, 15:30-16:00
Nina Hesby Tvedt, Secure NOK
Om Foredraget
Today’s critical infrastructure is faced with security challenges that were unthinkable to most less than a decade ago. As these infrastructures, as well as industrial facilities, are completely dependent on Operational Technology (OT), society’s concern is rising for good reason. Power production and distribution, railway signaling, flight control, traffic light control, water management, oil & gas installations, plants, factories and many more are becoming increasingly vulnerable to attacks, this is driven by trends towards more digitalization, interconnectivity and automation. Some of these systems may be vital to a nation’s security. For all, safe and reliable operation is essential.
This talk will present the threat picture, example attacks, the vulnerabilities and the crucial steps in protecting cyber assets of industrial installations.
Om foredragsholderen
Nina Hesby Tvedt is the Sales and Marketing Director of Secure-NOK, a Norwegian provider of solutions and competencies specialized within industrial cybersecurity. She holds a M.Sc. in Telecom from Norwegian University of Science and Technology from 2004 and has held several technical and management positions within DNV GL and Nexia Management Consulting. Nina Tvedt has extensive experience with resilience of critical cyber-infrastructure to disruptions and cyberattacks in industries such as Telecom, Aerospace, Finance, IT and Oil & Gas.