
8 - Vasileios Mavroeidis and Kamer Vish

Incident Response in Cyber-Relevant Time

Vasileios Mavroeidis

Vasileios Mavroeidis

Kamer Vishi

Kamer Vishi


Incident response


Kinoen sal 1


Tirsdag, 09:00-09:30

Vasileios Mavroeidis and Kamer Vishi, Security Researchers and PhD Research Fellows, UiO

OM Foredraget

Standardization is a key element in machine-to-machine communication and rapid incident response. OpenC2 is a lightweight unambiguous language that allows dynamic command and control of cyber defenses. It facilitates transitioning from the cyber defense of today to the cyber defense of tomorrow where appliances can be configured dynamically and intercommunicate in machine time. This presentation will demonstrate how OpenC2 can be used practically in coordinated incident response decreasing the human response time to cyber relevant time and also introduce the first Incident Response knowledge base that connects cyber threat intelligence with structured coordinated response actions.


Vasileios Mavroeidis is a Security Researcher and PhD Research Fellow at the University of Oslo with expertise in Active Cyber Defense. His research focuses on Security Orchestration, Automation and Response technologies (SOAR). Vasileios also collaborates with multiple organizations and agencies around the world developing security standards. His latest commitment is OpenC2, a language that allows vendor agnostic command and control of cyber defenses.

Kamer Vishi is a Security Researcher and Ph.D Research Fellow at the University of Oslo. Kamer holds a Master of Information Security from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU Gjøvik). Currently, he is an active member of the technical committee of OpenC2, and at the same time developing an actuator profile for stateless packet filtering. Prior to the University of Oslo, Kamer served in management roles managing cross-functional initiatives within technology and business development.