
Lance Spitzner

Security Culture - The Why, What and How


second plenumsession



Scandic Lillehammer Hotell


Monday, 16:00 - 16:40


Lance Spitzner, Director, SANS Institute

ABOut the presentation

Cybersecurity is no longer just about technology it is ultimately about people. Specifically how people not only think about security but what they prioritize and how they act, from the Board of Directors on down. Learn how to leverage the principles of organizational change and embed a strong security culture throughout your organization to create a far more security organization. Key things you will learn include

  • The role human behavior and culture play in cyberspace today

  • Indicators of a strong security culture and the key elements to creating one

  • A simple model you can apply that will create the strong security culture you want

  • How to measure and quantify your security culture

About the presenter

Lance Spitzner has over 20 years of security experience in cyber threat research, security architecture and awareness training and is a SANS Senior Instructor. He helped pioneer the fields of deception and cyber intelligence with his creation of honeynets and founding of The Honeynet Project. In addition, Lance has published three security books, consulted in over 25 countries, and helped over 350 organizations build awareness programs to manage their human risk. He is also on the Board of Advisors for Attivo Networks. Lance is the author and an instructor for MGT433: Managing Human Risk: Mature Security Awareness Programs, and MGT521: Leading Cybersecurity Change: Building A Security-Based Culture, and built the SANS Security Awareness business unit from the ground up over the past 10 years. With the catalyst of COVID-19, Lance created multiple resources for securing humans from home, from those working remotely for the first time or managing newly remote teams, to children learning and playing online.
