
Sanna Diana Tomren

How safe is the green cloud?


TRACk 6 – CSa

Cloud Security


Lillehammer Kino sal 1


Tuesday, 16:00 - 16:30




Sanna Diana Tomren, Technology Security Specialist, Accenture

About the presentation

We see trends in top management investments and regulation initiatives as the EU Taxonomy forces leaders to select cloud providers and services differently. How does this change in technology selection affect IT security, what is the EU Taxonomy all about, and why do I need to care?
Cloud migration can return on shareholder and stakeholder expectations by simultaneously reducing costs and carbon emissions if the cloud provider, partners and subcontractor's approach comes from a sustainable perspective. But how do we make sure this approach takes cyber security into account?
In this session, Sanna Diana will share insights and experiences around the EU Taxonomy, how the taxonomy affects company valuations, technology decision making, and how it affects the IT-security posture in organizations.

about the presenter

Sanna Diana is a technologist with expertise in cloud technologies and cyber security. Ranked among the national top 5 talented in cyber security 2022. With a passion for utilizing technology for a more secure and sustainable future.
She secures cloud transformation projects in private and public companies, by hands-on technical implementation and development, to more high-level management consulting practices.
Sanna Diana has international project experience as a software developer, ethical hacker, technical architect and cloud security lead for enterprises. Such roles have given her solid and practical experience from several parts in complex IT-projects deliveries.
In addition, Sanna Diana is engaging in various technology and cyber security communities by blogging, public speaking, arranging workshops and hackathons.
